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I think the earliest memory of me using the internet was going on the site new grounds and playing the game Dad And Me for the first time (and was probably the first flash game I ever played, besides Interactive Buddy), and being absolutely horrified at the violence and blood for my little boy brain, even though the contents were just basic violence and comic mischief, but nonetheless, it had left a pretty decent scar on me until my brain was fully developed. Pretty sick game ngl.

On the topic of weird shit, I'll say two of the most recent things I've discovered, Alfred's Playhouse, and trauma core.

The internet is the modern day language, a new language of love to replace Latin, or any other language. We're swapping letters with 1s and 0s, because who want's to keep using outdated shit when the internet constantly keeps us up to date with everything going on in the planet as I'm typing this and you reading this?

In my personal opinion, the internet is a psychedelic that we take, just like how you get booted up into the Matrix. Healthy? Probably not. Addictive? Fuck yes indeed.

Algorithms fuck me up, and I'd say the rest of the world using an app or search engine. I was digging deep into the premise and ideals of algorithms, and it's kinda scary. It's a well known fact that algorithms are created to keep you interested in the topics you're interested in, whether it's jock straps or bible verses. However, algorithms will NEVER give you the other side of a certain topic or story, such as an argument or a world war. It's like Diet Pepsi propaganda in a way to keep people enticed, but also making sure that they keep looking at the same shit. Dangerous game.

It's a whole new world of shit, and I'm loving every second of it.

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RE: THE INTERNET: WEIRD, EERIE, UNCANNY, ETC. - by haunted.red - 03-30-2021, 07:17 AM

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