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(04-07-2021, 11:39 AM)YoI like the idea that liminal spaces are created by the specific ways in which the personal psyche relates to itself. A theory of the types of spaces which could exist might depend on what we believe psyche is "made of" (or what the essential nature/s of the psychic substance Is).ant1quarian-h Wrote: I was thinking about liminal spaces the other day, and why they might be so interesting to a lot of people (me included).
my thoughts -
  • they can be impossible spaces, depending on what kind of liminal space you mean. I'm not really talking about the type of liminal spaces that are basically just abandoned childhood spaces, which tend to rely on their audience being familiar with the space from their childhood to get an emotional reaction: like soft play areas at night or something. I don't feel like these are universal liminal spaces because they have specfic cultural context; someone from another country who didn't grow up going to soft play areas isn't going to feel as unsettled by these images. I mean shit like endless corridors, or backrooms; weird endless spaces that don't actually lead anywhere: now that is all very literally liminal. There's a French art film my dad said he had to watch in art college, I can't remember what it's called, I might add it if I find out, but there's a lot of shots of these corridors with the voiceover saying 'endless corridors' over and over again which sounds... pretty damn liminal to me. That's the kind of impossible and unsettling places I mean
  • You could definately characterise a lot of these liminal spaces as having impossible physics and spaces that don't make realistic sense; I mean the whole premise of the backrooms is that you no-clip out of reality. I think this idea is very similar to digital space: the internet is NOT a physical space, that's its whole thing. You mentioned the idea of how the internet affects our relationship with physical spaces: an idea I have is that whilst the internet is a very non-physical space, liminal spaces are VERY physical and overwhelming. I don't have like a pyscological theory reason for why this is: idk maybe the prevelance the internet has now is making us obsess over ideas of much more physical spaces? I'm not sure about that. I don't think that the internet is a liminal space, it doesn't have that physicalty, but I do think that  digital spaces and liminal spaces share endlessness and hard or impossible to comprehend physics, and I feel like the popularity of liminal spaces makes a lot of sense in the setting of the internet - there is something very... internet in liminal spaces
  • This idea of endless impossible spaces also reminds me of space, which is something people have always been fascinated with: scary and unknown and really really cool. They both are unknowingly vast and invoke exestential and unsettling feelings. It also reminds me of living spaces, spaces that change around you and again don't make physical sense.
  • I like the presence that the setting itself has in being unsettling here, I feel like there's something a little dystopian in it, alot of industrial archetecture and city buildings I feel fit the liminal vibe very well

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RE: THE INTERNET: WEIRD, EERIE, UNCANNY, ETC. - by Shaarivah - 04-09-2021, 10:02 AM

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