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Title: Thoughts on technologies presentation
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One thing i have noticed about new technology is that it seams to be packaged differently. I'm not just talking about the technology of the last 10 years but rather that of the last 200. A lot of new technology seems to be more and more hidden. Take for example the one of the most complex machines of the 1700s, a square rigged sailing ship. Every line, stay, shroud and spar is visible to the naked eye. And they are not simple. They require a trained and disiplined crew not just to be sailed, but also to not be broken. Now look at you phone. It is a faaaaaar more advanced machine, Capable of comunicating instantly over the globe. Arthur C. Clarke said that any sufficiently advancet technology is indistinguishable form magic, and a phone would be magic to a pistol wielding, swashbuckleing deckhand of a 1700s sailing ship. But the details of a phones innards are hidden away from sight. What i'm trying to say is that modern technology is mostly hidden inside black boxes.

Another example (that i relly want to write about) is car interiors. A car has a lot of controls (more than i bother to write about). But in some cars that want to be seen as futuristic, these are impracticly hidden away.

[Image: sjt-gg-telser.jpg][Image: vakker-posjsje.jpg] Look at the teslas interior and compare it to the porsches. Theese are both expensive cars and the manufacturer could do whatever they wanted. While the teslas interior may look simpler, try imagening adjusting anything while driving. On the porsche, you can use muscle memory and just do it. On the tesla you need to take your eyes of the road and use a fucking touch screen. I can just imagine an ecsecutive at tesla looking at the previous model and saying it is to complicated, like he have never ever driven a car, and making the engineers design a new, ceaner but more cluterly to use interior. A porsche is a car guys car and a tesla is a techbros car

You can also see the differance between small comercial fishing boats and pontoon boats. Comercial fishing boats are kinda ugly, but they are honest, and that honesty is kina butiful in a way. Every line is exposed, the windshield faces downwards to reduce glare and surfaces that are easy to clean. Pontoon boats on the other hand are not marketed to experienced owners. They have much of the same tech as fishing boats have but so much is hidden. I once saw one with headlights like that form a car.

What im trying to get at is that so much intresting technology seams to be hidden. Not only is this bad because it makes things more difficult to work on but i believe it makes things uglier. I don't know where this attitude that tech is about products, not techniques comes from but i hate it.

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Thoughts on technologies presentation - by BOI_B1 - 03-06-2024, 09:23 AM

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