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Title: Geographic Medicine
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Dark, bleary storms pour rain outside before sunrise. The rain is heavy in volume and is carried far by strong winds. A hawk lands on a wire in the backyard, struggling to balance and not fall from the slick wire under torrential conditions. The look in its eye is urgent as it fans its wings open to communicate something without being able to speak.

4 AM. The upcoming test at camp had been giving John anxiety for weeks, his body waking up too early as if he had to prepare for something more than a summer school test. He was 35 years old, but placed into a re-education camp by order of the magistrate spy, a powdered wigged noble who looked like he just stepped out of a time capsule from the sixteen hundreds. If you are going to act a child, he grimaced sternly from his high stool in the makeshift colonial courtroom, you must become a child in order to learn factual behavior. 

He was sentenced to summer camp in some forest school repurposed in the hills surrounding Silicon Valley, likely due to his failure to meet the expected quota of enactments and signals to the Living. Something free and hardly ever appearing became all the craze under the discovery by special cameras, and of course it was immediately outsourced and redeveloped by investors. The magistrates’ investors demanded obeisance in every sense organ to feel their order rise, yet John had become preoccupied with blasting death grips really loud and head banging almost every day. This was most unsatisfactory to the austere bio surveillance industry since his death forces became liberated from their enforced social surveillance hierarchy. 

By virtue of his sonic crimes he was paired with the australian day care prisoners. For some reason the inhabitants on the continent of Australia developed extreme social allergies for being handled 24/7 senses preoccupied by the magistrates goons so they were at higher risk for unruly behaviors and unsatisfactory economic goals. In a way they were very opposite to the docile and cowardly Americans who obeyed every dictate from the Living. He was the only one awake before breakfast as they softly snored next to him, their long dirty blond hairs caught in the drafts of struggled breathing. By the time they got to the table they were already arguing and flinging breakfast at another. Gale was shaking a cold wet hotdog between his fingers mocking the magistrate, It’s all the same in the end anyway, that’s why we don’t tell hot dog stories, shaking the wiener. Miriam erupted in laughter at this flinging egg salad at him so he slapped her baby in anger.
Fuck you birk!
Fuck you and your insurance Miriam he snapped. John grabbed the crying baby and held it up to his chest so it would feel his heartbeat. They both calmed down. The magistrate watched from above in disgust, Animals, he muttered, dirty savage beasts. All John could think about was the upcoming test, if he failed he would have to stay here another season and this was the last place he ever wanted to be. Excusing himself he walked to the class room where everyone was getting in their seats. 

The test began promptly and it was exclusively about child development and the purpose of procreation for the continued goals of the Living. He got all the big picture questions wrong, like why the species needed to move planets so quickly and find rare space minerals for consumption. It just never made sense to him, no one had ever explained why the world was the way it was, and he definitely didn’t have the knack for pruning suggested concepts. When he got his test back it was a B minus, enough to pass the school. He showed his neighbor Liam the test and Nathaniel circled the right answers for him, so he could study telescope parts and learn the names of rocks and minerals. Liam responded dejectedly, At least you didn’t get a B minus. Looking down at the paper the minus sign had disappeared and this confused John at first. The other day he was at the store where he ran into a Japanese scientist he used to work with in the Drum and Bass department. She was testing out a new holographic paper substance and video calling her friend on it. All the way from India she appeared on the paper and waved to them.
Um, teacher, is this test on holograph paper? John asked.
We really want to make sure you commit these to memory, he replied, so our tests are protected to self destruct and reprogram within the hour. The questions and answers rewrote themselves on the paper and John crumpled it up tossing it away. Useless garbage.

He asked Liam if he saw his grade change too and Liam said I don’t remember anything John. My doctor has me using geographic medicine so I have to be in very specific places at very specific times. A breeze of wind blew a soaked cardboard box for a GPS across the pool outside as he was saying this. It’s to cure some condition they won’t even tell me what it is, but I’m so stressed from having to travel where the phone tells me. I can’t even trust my own memories at this point, I have to feel them in someone else against the magnetic pull of environmental factors. His eyes rolled back and he clicked his tongue like an insect until he recalibrated in his seat. 
I wouldn’t recommend doing that, John told him, but it was pointless since he didn’t have a medical degree Liam said. It wasn’t exactly untrue either, John had no formal education, but was subcontracted by the Japanese Drum and Bass department to study the geomagnetic effects of cosmic forces from earth and space after shadow Godzilla started appearing in select store chain locations around the Midwest. The first time it ever happened a boy had been listening to drum and bass on his phone and it caused the inter dimensional being to vanish. They started shooting modified satellite GameCubes into low earth orbit fitted with drum and bass tracks to beam down on Godzilla appearances, it really was a revival for the scene at the time. Eventually they had solved the doppelgänger crisis that caused these kinds of symptoms and appearances, but the program was so exclusive that not everyone could get a GameCube disk of different forces to cloak them in harmful terrains. This allowed John to get by here mostly unscathed, but a young man exuding jealousy came over and started mocking John incessantly. You better watch your tone, John told him, but the lad insisted that John was an incest bastard baby and would have to stay in reeducation the rest of his life. He would never get it, he never pruned, he’d never make a magistrate or magistrates dog. He punched the boy in the eye and ran off before the dogs could bite his ankles into submission. 

There was a green Toyota truck with a tarpaulin covering the flatbed, so he slid under that and peered out from the edge. The mess hall cook Shannon was approaching to deliver meals to the girls camp to the south, he went back under. After she parked he jumped out and explained everything, which she was actually cool with. Yeah, fuck those guys she told him, and he helped her take the days meals to serve the girls suffering from eating disorders. Do you ever want to have kids? she asked him, 
Yeah but not until I get to Mars at least. What about you? But she took off and left him alone in the kitchen with all the food. He went off to the side again and took her truck to the highway. The new bridges were built at ninety degree angles and there was a lot of traffic, so he was stuck sideways for quite a while. If the car was full of salsa, he wouldn’t be drowned in it, he thought in the heat of midday sun. 

As he drove higher and higher the sky became less blue and more purple, and then the stars came out. He closed his eyes and floored it to Mars. John had a beekeeper friend who lived somewhere north to Olympus Moms. She wasn’t home yet but he waited outside in her front lawn, grass brilliantly green against the pale red rocky soil of Mars. Something was different about the gravity there, the heat didn’t rise all the way to the sky. It stayed at the level of his knees and this warmth invited a kind of comfort to his anxiety. When he would move his fingers the warmth would tingle and vibrate, so he made a kind of Spock peace sign separating his index finger and middle finger, bending it halfway down. He started levitating when his drum and bass GameCube flung into low earth orbit, so he flew around the largest mountain in the solar system like a little bee. Here the magistrates had no authority but they had completely enslaved earth to their social order, so he decided to stay on Mars with his new power. Here the foams of the seas carried messages from people thousands of years ago to translate forgotten wisdom, and his arms would grow strong from flying. There wasn’t much to do but everything to be.

Messages In This Thread
Geographic Medicine - by melaluka - 03-18-2024, 01:33 AM
RE: Geographic Medicine - by awesomepal131183 - 03-20-2024, 03:45 PM
RE: Geographic Medicine - by melaluka - 03-20-2024, 09:46 PM
RE: Geographic Medicine - by awesomepal131183 - 03-20-2024, 10:20 PM
RE: Geographic Medicine - by melaluka - 03-21-2024, 04:33 AM
RE: Geographic Medicine - by munner72 - 03-21-2024, 03:58 PM
RE: Geographic Medicine - by melaluka - 03-21-2024, 04:52 PM
RE: Geographic Medicine - by awesomepal131183 - 03-22-2024, 03:51 AM

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