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the internet already is a paywall
should the vessel break we still have the maps
we're on the river of destiny and our will is our oar
an imaginary place is still a place for some
true freedom cannot be extinguished
i know this is an experiment and all but i hope to see it grow into a stronghold
only thing that's going to save us are self hosting and maintaining enclaves
the internet is going to end up a giant paywall in the next decade
whole world is insane because there's a computer in our pockets. star trek fucking lied
the MOST fucked up part of social media to me has been losing friends because of it. that's like losing friends because of world of warcraft, and we're all adults, ok
i think "we broadcast what we want, when we want " should be the official motto
for me a2b2 is the anti-social media. it's authentic. it's gritty. it's ugly. no one is here to give you digital hugs because they want a notification later. it's the opposite of a weapon. it's the humanities the internet used to promise
social media has us hating people who are just like us for doing the things we all do, wtf kind of business model is that. that's a weapon
the whole canceling people thing as a society is just a byproduct of our jungian shadow hating our own banal cruelities towards each other. that isn't me, that isn't me at all
mob think is the scariest part of human psychology
thing is though, it still doesn't feel like it wasn't me doing it, i was possessed by social media
i confess last year i was not awesome
sure the name is silly, and i'll joke around but i haven't lied. i came here for answers and i already figured out what i needed to know without asking. energy led me here and energy is why i'm staying. had i not found this by chance, i would be knee deep in negativity because of my own doing
i'm the realest person you'll never know in real life
too many phoneys online and i don't mean alts