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Title: The Clearing (audiobook)
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Part I - The Letter / Discard The Dagger

AUDIO: https://sagefeeder.bandcamp.com/album/the-clearing

I wrote you a letter and lit it aflame. The smoke I hope carries the message to you, far away, where your journey will take you, through dense forests and dangerous plains, past waterfalls that are best not heard of.

Don't be frightened by all the silence around you because if you listen closely you can hear the grumbling of the masses. While their churlish jeers seem frightening at first, it's just their hearts aching for something they never got to have - hope. And if you are careful enough you might just catch a glimpse of their dreams as they come crawling out of their haunted, cowering selves.

Later that night I had set out on my journey. I followed the stars in the night sky on my path until the moon disappeared behind the dark forest trees. There was no way back, nothing but an endless road ahead, following what felt like a magnetic force pulling me forward into the abyss of darkness and despair. It was a candle in the dark that restored faith and drove fear from my mind, and if there ever was a time when all seemed lost and this weary traveler had reached his wits' end, that night, on the long road leading to an unknown destination would have been it.

What if this path I was on led me to the illumination I so desperately craved? What if, against all odds, I could actually find the cure to my fear? Perhaps the world's fears? The weapons of darkness don't destroy everything, sometimes they only show us who we truly are. Lost souls stumbling in the night, looking for salvation or simply seeking an escape. We should take comfort in knowing our strength lies within ourselves, though many times we are too weak to realize it.

Discarding the daggers, I arranged them in a triangular shape and said the rite again. Soon after I heard faint scratching sounds coming from the cave entrance and as the noise grew louder the air began to shimmer with golden light and then slowly the shape of a huge man appeared in front of me. His eyes were black orbs, burning with intense energy and he looked at me with a blank stare. For a moment neither one of us spoke but he made no move towards me, as if he expected something else of me.

"What do you want?" He asked eventually and I shook my head.

"I want nothing but the truth!" I shouted up at the man of goliath stature. My voice sounded small and insignificant next to his.

He stared down at me, nodding once and raising his hand before saying nothing. A portal opened before him and suddenly a giant sphere of light appeared inside it, illuminating everything. I looked around and saw a muddled vision of the past. It couldn't be real, could it?

For a moment the possibilities were endless and the air around me buzzed with electricity. Then reality came crashing back to haunt me and I remembered who I really was. The pathetic mortal whose name would go down in history as just another forgotten person who failed to conquer his demons. Looking through the portal I saw not myself but a reflection of myself, my past self perhaps.

I asked this man another question and he did not answer. I asked him a third time but he still remained silent. The portal beckoned me, my twisted reflection gnarled and bending in the light of the cosmos. I ran from the portal and the cave entirely, chased by his mighty shadow which followed my every step until I collapsed to my knees and turned to face him.

Was it malice, was it curiosity? I realized the shadow he cast before me was gigantic but at the horizon, he was a man like me, human. We stared each other down and I held my breath as I awaited the outcome. His power apparent, the environment around me bending and morphing to his will.

He walked closer, standing only a few feet away from me.

"You wanted answers?" He said quietly, as if mocking me.

I nodded unsure if what I was experiencing was real.

The orbs that covered his eyes faded and now only his own clear green ones met mine.

"This isn't the place for questions." He said pointing at me. "Your journey has yet to begin and that's why you're here. This is the truth."

His voice resonated throughout my mind and I felt a calm sensation flowing through me. In a split second I saw how I spent the last ten years of my life. I saw the places I went, the people I met, the things I did, the haunting thoughts that plagued my mind every day. He stood in front of me watching over me as I lived my entire life, while I watched myself through the eyes of someone else.

Just like the portal this reflection seemed different than I remembered.  A soul-crushing weight crushed my chest and for a moment it was difficult to breathe. Psychic energy poured into me as my memories unfolded, feeling them with more clarity than I had ever known possible. If I closed my eyes I could almost feel the past and in an instant it was gone. He was gone.

I was alone in the dark woods. Red eyes surrounding me. Where were my daggers? I had forgotten them. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Darkness crept in all around me and even the grass crunched beneath my boots as if it had been frozen. I scanned the forest for signs of life, anything at all that would give me an advantage. And then it happened. The snarls of the beasts grew closer and I realized they were coming for me.

Swearing under my breath I prepared to fight, but kept running hoping I could outrun these unseen beasts of the night. As they leapt at me I took off at full speed, climbing a tree before leaping to the ground behind them. I sprinted towards the forest clearing where I knew there was a bright light waiting for me. It wasn't too late. I had a chance to save myself and the others.

The half-moon overhead provided me with enough light to see the shadows in the forest. I still had time. I said the rite of invocation three times and felt the blessing spread throughout my body. All I needed to do was make it to that clearing, draw upon the protective barrier and I'd be safe.

I turned to see a herd of demonic beasts on all fours snarling behind me, they were closing in on me, charging straight towards me! As I made it to the clearing I stepped onto the radiant barrier and it enveloped me in its warmth, wrapping around me like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. It didn't stop the creatures but it slowed them down giving me a slight edge. I heard footsteps approaching from behind and spun around to see two towering beasts, armed with horns that protruded upward.

Putting my hands together, chanting the words to protect myself, I raised my arms to deflect their attacks. Their horns clashing against the field of the spell the shield pulsing with radiant energy. Each impact weakened the shield and soon enough it broke apart and dissipated. The beasts roared in triumph as they drew nearer.

Their sharp claws descended upon me as I dove to the ground rolling out of the way just as one plunged itself into the ground in an attempt to crush me. I jumped to my feet, uttering under my breath the words, charging my fists with holy power, I leaped into the air and slammed them both into the creatures' jaws knocking them unconscious. Blood gushed out of their mouths and splattered against the soil beneath me.

In an instant, their forms blurred and disappeared and I sensed them in another form back in the darkness. They  wouldn't let me get away so easily. Exhausted from the magic of the ritual I was drained and now the beasts bide their time unseen. They prowl in wait, possibly gathering in numbers.

The clearing my only refuge, I hoped to gather allies there and defeat them before it was too late. But first, I must return home. Before dawn breaks I must reach safety.

I began walking, looking over my shoulder, afraid of what may await me. When I looked down I noticed the ruby amulet around my neck began to glow brightly. Taking it off I examined it closely and realized I had to find something before leaving this cursed place, a piece of my true heritage. Without it I would be left without any kind of protection.

These lands were familiar yet changed. I knew them well, as if they had become part of me and my destiny lay here, right in front of me. So I wandered further into the heart of this strange landscape looking for something to guide me.

Soon after, my search paid off. Near a waterfall hidden deep within a grove of oak trees I found the remains of a shrine. Hidden between the oak trees and guarded by trees themselves. With broken branches hanging limply above my head I entered the structure cautiously and searched among the ashes and dust for any sign of life. Among the broken tiles and shattered fragments of marble I noticed several glowing runes carved into the stone walls.

In my heart I knew I had found my answer. To what, I'm not sure. The object within the shrine however, promised something important. It revealed to me my place in the world. To continue my journey in the right direction I needed to use it to better myself, not just physically but spiritually. Was the man in the cave right? Could it be the key to curing all fear? Whatever it was, it would help me along the way. At least I hoped so.

While I sat meditating, intent on mastering my skills, an eagle flew by me high above the canopy. The morning was upon us. The orange morning sky illuminated through the cracks in the ceiling as if the gods themselves held this place in high regard.

Taking careful attention I inscribed these runes into my book, as I knew they held more power than they let on. They symbolized something, perhaps the importance of wisdom and understanding. The book itself a collection of esoteric notes from my journeys into the depths of knowledge. A journey I began over ten years ago. A journey that will hopefully lead me to my destination, somewhere far away, someplace far beyond the shadows of the valley. Somewhere I know exists. Somewhere I hope to someday find.

For now I head home to collect my thoughts and seek out new allies in the troubling future ahead. The daylight above kept me safe from the dark beasts lurking in the treeline. The new runic powers would prove interesting to study in the weeks to come. My cloak protected me against the wind blowing against me, the dappling sunlight dancing along the treetops. The fresh air makes me forget for a moment that the night is coming again. Yet as the shadows grow longer I soon remember.


Really cool felt vivid like animation in my mind would listen to more for sure
Hey many thanks for the kind words and for listening. I really wish I could have animated it. More is on the way soon, pt 2 is about done. I'll post it here when it's out
Hey good people

Part II is out now


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